
Step 1 - Describe Evidence:

Please provide a brief written report (PDF or Word) of the experimental methods used to gather your data, including publication information (if applicable).

Step 3 - Submit Files:

Please email both of the requested files (evidence file and csv data file) to We will then evaluate the submitted data and add it to the CaspSites database should they meet the appropriate criteria.

Step 2 - Organize Data:

Please organize data into a comma separated values file (.csv) with a header line and columns for the following: (download template here)

- Protease/Perturbagen name
- Substrate accession number (e.g. P60709)
- Cleavage site position (P1' residue number)
- Each residue in the P4-P4' sequence
- Cell line
- Peptide detected (if applicable)

For any questions or technical issues contact Henry Wang ( or Dr. Olivier Julien (